I would like to take a moment out of my usual clothes/celebrity/happy life-blog posts, to talk about something I consider important. Charity.
I realise almost every day how I blessed I am in every way. I have a healthy family, I still have two of my grandparents to laugh with, I have some lovely friends of whom I know are real friends. I am fortunate enough to work (two jobs actually), and to do very well at my study. I am blessed with parents who support me both financially as with their unconditional love. I have a great home to live in, have all the stuff I could ever wish for, am taking driving lessons to keep moving forward in life, I am learning to become a great cook.. And ofcourse I have a boyfriend, whom I really consider to be my prince on the white horse :) (yep, I'm a Disney fanatic) He supports my in everything I do, and whenever I come up with a crazy idea or dream he supports me to go after it. I have an amazing body, which is healthy and fit (takes work, and I'm never satisfied, but I'm learning that too!)
And the list of blessings goes on and on... I don't want to come off as a showoff.
But not everyone is as fortunate as me. And I realise that. That is why I support charity. I feel that it is important for everybody, no matter how little your income to give a bit to charity. Not only does it make you feel proud and like a good person, it helps other people.
I support two causes, both Dutch. First is KWF Kankerbestrijding, a cause which funds cancerresearch. Especially since my mother is a cancersurvivor I feel it is important to help a little. Every little bit that might help in to a cure for cancer is worth it, in my opinion.
The second cause I support is 'Doe een wens stichting'. That is a cause which is specifically for permanently and terminally ill childeren, whom are either forever bothered by their troubling disease which makes life difficult for them, or about to die, really. This good cause has childeren make a wish, whatever they want, and then has it happen for them.
So usually childeren wish to be a pilot, and then they get to fly a helicopter, or they want to meet a popstar, then they arrange that the kids get to meet them. I love that idea so much. I already looooooooove the idea of making dreams come true, but then for very ill childeren, that is the best thing you could do in the world I guess. The joy of seeing those childeren smile, when their dream comes true makes me speechless.
I don't have much to give to charity, since I work for minimum wage, but still I decide to give about €5 every month to charity. In a year that adds up to €60 which I could've used for some killer high heels, or a nice dinner, but I used it to save lives, and make the lives of the uncurable better. And that goes beyond the worth of money, really...
That is really what I wanted to get off my chest. What charity do you support?
Ps. The 'Doe een wens stichting' is the Dutch equivalent of 'Make a wish foundation' which you foreigners may now