A simple small black belt. Funny thing is I got S/M, since I always do. It easily fits around my hips, then when I got home I saw it was a.. waist belt. Ha! That made me feel good about my body ;). A S/M waistband fits easily around my hips!
I fell in love with this purse the moment I layed my eyes on it. It's perfect, so pretty. I have had this stuff for two weeks and still I haven't brought this purse outside the house... I guess you just want to wear it with the perfect outfit... at the perfect moment...
This teeny tiny purse I adore. It's based on the Chanel 2.55, only then waaaaay smaller. And actually it's perfect, for just going shopping, it fits a suprising lot in it! My wallet, phone, keys, passport, Ipod, lipgloss, tampon, pen, and sunglasses! Would you believe that? That bag is my new best friend, no doubt!
I was searching for the perfect beach bag for my holiday to Italy, and in Primark I found it. It makes me so excited for my holiday!
The colour of my beach bag is this, not the colour above. It's kind of seagreen, amazing summer colour :)
This story is the same as my flower purse story. I fell in love with this owl-ring the second I saw it. I knew it needed to be taken home with me, I love crazy rings. I love to wear rings anyway. I think every girl has a piece of jewellery they like to wear.. for many it's watches, bracelets, necklaces or earrings. For me it's rings :) I feel naked without them.
You can never have too many rings. Especially not in black, an allround colour. And especially not when they only cost you €0,70. Talk about a great find!!
PS. sorry for my crappy pictures, my camera is oooold!
Hello my sweet shopping cousin!!!! I love all of your cute things.....you are the fashion model of all fashion models. I send you hugs and much love from California and a wonderful trip in Italy!!!!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis note is an experiment....since I am trying to help Oma so she can send a note too. I hope it works. XXXX Annelies
LIEVE MYLOU. Annelies heeft my op het paard geholpen zo dat ik je ook eens een groet kan zenden. Wat een leuke koopjes heb je gedaan,en zulke leuke foto,s erby. Wy enieten ervan. Ik wens je ook een hele fyne vacantie in Italie,met je Jorge. Hoop dat ik het kan doen voor de volgende keer. Dikke zoen en veel plezier,daaaaag. Tante Nely.