

Monday was my two year-anniversary with my love, Joris.

Honoustly I can't be more grateful that I have found someone that enriches me. That makes me a better, funnier, nicer person. Someone who encourages me to do what I dream about. Someone who not only thinks of himself, but also of me when he makes decisions. Someone to cheer me up, to listen to my stories, to laugh with me, and to love me.

I never thought it was possible to love someone even MORE after two years of being with that person. I always thought people who said "I'm now even more in love than ever", lied, just to make the other person feel better. But now I know it's true.

I can't wait for the moment I'll get to wake up next to him every morning for the rest of my life. To get to share even more amazing (little) things in life. To one day, have childeren, if we are lucky. And not for the next couple of years.

We celebrated our anniversary going out to dinner, and then falling asleep in each others arms.

I can't say I've ever been more in love.


1 opmerking:

  1. Happy Anniversary my sweet girl...and how wonderful it is to have such love in your life. Enjoy and embrace these times and live them to the FULLEST!!!! XXX
