There's a floor actually! As you can see, I'm a bookaholic, and I'm waiting to go and buy a book shelf. I can't store them anymore!
My bed, usually containing my laptop. You can see above a picture of me and my sister Amber, and me and my boyfriend a year ago :) The trophee is not a real one, but I got that one after people thought I had a fenomenal match (i'm a hockey goalie)
This is my desk. Here the biggest cleaning and organising took place. On the left I have my plate with candles, and behind that a basket with my favorite magazines. On top of that is a basket with my wool for knitting. The blue boxes are new, I bought them to organize my jewellery and it works!! To the far right you see the corner of a black box, that contains my winter clothes. On top of that is a blanket which aunt Nellie made! (I use it in winter!! It's my favorite!)
This is the way I store my boots, ha. Under my desk. The left ones still need to be fixed.
In this cabinet I store my other shoes (or at least most of them). On top of the cabinet are my hats. With on the left a Katherine Duck-hat I got when I was three.. haha! It used to made a sound when you would squeeze the beak.
As I said.. I need a book shelf..
This is a cabinet where I keep my make-up, hair stuff, perfumes, sunglasses, everything that needs to be stored. And a lot of school suplies too.
This is my door, with a poster of Mika, one of my favorite artists. It's been there for three years now, I think. Maybe two. I'm looking to change it, and make my door a moodboard, with pictures of things I want to achieve. There's also a quote on my door, it says: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
I always love a little insight into somebody's life, so I hope you liked mine. Was it like you'd expected?
die hoedjes zijn echt super tof :)