Last spring, when I went to Bratislava (capital of Slovakia) with school! I had the BEST time..
Only 5 more days of internship to go! And I'm THRILLED. After three months of working 9 to 5 EVERY day, I'm so relieved the end is in sight. I loved my internship, it was fun, but I'm just not made for working every day, the whole day. I like my freedom! Plus, it's not really the direction I want to go in with journalism.
Another reason I'm PSYCHED to have my internship end is because I can start dressing up again! When you're an intern that has to walk everywhere, and is dependent of public transport... heels just won't do it. Beside, it's been snowy for the past three months, and it's GONE now. YAY! I can start playing Carrie again :)
So, I decided to make a list of things I'll do when intership ends:
1. Sleep in, for a few days in a row
2. Go shopping at Primark
3. Go see all the great movies that are coming up
4. Play dressup and photograph some great outfits
5. Write, write, write
6. Work more so I'll earn big amounts of cash ;)
7. Buy Mika's cd
8. Go rest my butt and have cappucino's and sandwiches in the middle of the day
9. Hang out with friends
10. Hang out with my lovely boyfriend all day
And muuuuuuuuuch more! I can't WAIT for spring to finally start so I can rearrange my closet, when I can finally store my winter clothes, buy cute flats and wedges, buy summer dresses, play around with summer outfits...
And besides, We've already booked our little studio for the summer holidays! It's going to be ITALY!
And yes yes, it really seems spring is starting to show up, the degrees are getting better (supposedly it will be 10 degrees celcius on monday!! - Yay for my leopard springcoat!). So I'm praying the sun will start shining because spring is my favourite season of the year!
So much to look forward too...can't wait!!! XXX