

So so so busy. But now...


Yes, I'm leaving for 2,5 weeks to France. Say bonjour to croissants, le soleil, le vin, le pain et les hommes tres ehh.. cute. Looking forward to it! Will be a family trip with my boyfriend coming along :)

I'm not joking when I tell you there's at least one big shopper filled with books (probably around thirty books?) and around ten magazines coming along. Yeah, we're talkative. Lol.

Enjoy your vacay!


Ps. anyone watching Tour de France? I'm OBSESSED.
Pps. I'm also very much in love with all the strong men in tiny suits, are they this handsome every year?


The crocodile

I have a new pet. It's a crocodile. So I'm dangerous.

So actually it's my first designeritem ever. I LOVE my new sunglasses, LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I feel so ready for summer.

I thought I deserved to buy myself a gift after an amazingly good schoolyear filled with lots of hard work and learning. Besides, almost all of my sunglasses are broken.

Now, I can sunbathe in style. But still beware of the crocodile, you never know..



The floorissue

Yes, you may think: floorissue? Whuuutt did I miss?

Well, not much really. Darling boyfriend and I do not live together, nor will we for the next year. But I do love to fantasize over how lover and I will spend the days cuddling in each others arms on the couch while we watch tv/read a book/eat food etc. you know the drill.

Then ofcourse, there's this part of my female brain that has a soft spot for decorating. I didn't think I had that spot, but turns out, I located it (so much easier than that other spot -ha).

And how well boyfriend and I manage to co-excist. Only recently it has come to my attention that we cannot, I repeat, cannot. EVER. live. in. the. same. house.

You see, I have a deep DEEP love for white wooden floors. I'm not sure why, might be something to do with how clean and fresh everything looks. Especially with white walls. I actually feel butterflies looking at white floors. That's how much I dream about them in my future home.

Now darling boyfriend, who is a MAN, just for the record, he does not like white wooden floors. Oh no, he likes them BROWN wooden. And even though I do not hate brown floors, I do dislike them when they discriminate on my white floors! Boyfriend says: 'It's mental, you can't relax, the floor drives you crazy looking at it.' And I say it makes everything looks fresh and clean and light. Then he says it's 'clinical' (a word only used by men, I promise you). And then I beg for him to give in, he says no, and then I say we can't ever live together.

Story of my life.

lol. I'm way too young to care about floors, but I do.
